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CPS’s Perpetual Rate Hikes: The Looming Threat to Your Wallet

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CPS’s Perpetual Rate Hikes: The Looming Threat to Your Wallet

Wednesday, January 24th, 2024


As the Texas Grid continues to face challenges, most San Antonio residents might not be aware of the looming threat that could hit their wallets hard. With CPS Energy recently hiking electricity rates and planning additional increases in 2026, homeowners could be facing perpetual rate hikes. The question is, how prepared are you for the financial burden ahead, and is there a solution to escape the cycle of rising costs?

Cost Concerns:

In a recent development, CPS Energy faced opposition to its plan, citing concerns about additional costs amid ongoing legal battles over winter storm-related expenses and mounting overdue customer bills. The utility is also undergoing a costly software system upgrade, contributing to its financial strain. The rising expenses are putting immense pressure on customers, raising questions about the sustainability of perpetual rate hikes.

Rate Increases:

CPS Energy, grappling with unpaid bills and increased expenses, has outlined a plan to address its cash shortfall by proposing rate hikes. With a planned 5.5 percent increase next year and another in 2026, residents could see a significant impact on their monthly bills. The utility argues that these increases are necessary to manage its debt, but it raises concerns about the financial well-being of its customers.

Financial Impact on Residents:

While CPS Energy seeks higher rates, it’s crucial to understand the financial implications for San Antonio residents. The utility’s debt management plan could lead to a windfall for the city, benefiting from increased revenue. However, this comes at the expense of homeowners who will bear the burden of rising utility costs.

Conclusion – Take Control of Your Energy Future:

As perpetual rate hikes threaten the financial stability of San Antonio residents, it’s time to consider alternative solutions. Perhaps it’s time to reevaluate the dependence on traditional utilities and explore options that provide more control over energy costs. Installing solar panels presents an opportunity to break free from the cycle of rising rates, offering a sustainable and cost-effective way to power your home. Take control of your energy future and explore the benefits of solar independence.

The time to act is now, start contacting installers!

The information for this article is sourced from an Express-News article titled “CPS Energy approves plan to shut coal-fired plants, turns eye toward rate increases to make it reality” by Diego Mendoza-Moyers, published on Jan 23, 2023, and updated on Jan 25, 2023. The author provides insights into CPS Energy’s decision-making process, financial challenges, and the proposed rate increases, offering a comprehensive understanding of the situation.

How to Rescue a Failed Solar Installation

Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024

Embarking on the solar journey is an exciting decision for homeowners in San Antonio, marked by the anticipation of HOA approvals and CPS design acceptance. However, the joy can turn into frustration when a dreaded failure notice arrives from CPS after patiently waiting for the installation process to unfold. The looming question for homeowners facing this predicament is, how can they rescue a failed solar installation? In this guide, we explore the steps to take when confronted with a CPS failure notice, offering insights into resolving the situation and ensuring your solar dreams see the light.

1. Understanding the Challenge: A failure notice from CPS can range from a minor inconvenience requiring simple fixes to a nightmare scenario involving protracted battles over design approval. The severity often depends on the interpretation of CPS inspectors and the responsiveness of the solar company. Homeowners must grasp the complexity of the situation, realizing that in some cases, the blame lies not solely with the solar installers but also with the ever-changing and sometimes complex rules set by electric companies.

2. Taking Control of the Situation: Feeling helpless is not the only option when faced with a failed solar inspection. The first step is to initiate communication with your solar project manager, unraveling their perspective on the situation. Simultaneously, contact CPS’s DG design approval department to understand the utility’s side of the story. While it’s common to obtain more information from CPS, it doesn’t automatically mean they are in the right. In many instances, lengthy approval processes can be attributed to the complexities introduced by electric companies and their stringent rules.

3. Proactive Resolution Strategies: Taking a proactive approach can be crucial in resolving the deadlock between solar companies and CPS. If you find that the solar team and CPS engineers are not effectively communicating, request proof of the solar team’s positions and provide it directly to CPS engineers. Additionally, consider filing a Better Business Bureau (BBB) complaint against the electric company. Despite their monopoly status, electric companies are often sensitive to negative publicity that may lead to political pressure for deregulation. Leveraging these channels can expedite the resolution process.

Conclusion: In the face of a failed solar installation, homeowners in San Antonio are not powerless. By understanding the challenges, taking control of the situation through effective communication, and implementing proactive resolution strategies, it’s possible to navigate through the complexities and secure approval to power on. The key lies in being informed, assertive, and persistent.

Call to Action: If you believe the solar contractor bears responsibility for the failed inspection, consider filing a BBB complaint against them. Your proactive efforts can contribute to not only resolving your situation but also holding solar contractors accountable for their role in the process.

Understanding the Solar Opportunity: Is it Worth Investing in Solar Systems? 

Tuesday, March 28th, 2023

As renewable energy continues to gain popularity, more homeowners are considering switching to solar energy. However, for many, trying to understand the solar opportunity is difficult when compared to hooking up their electricity meter. While utility hook-up is a simple proposition, the solar proposition is essentially setting up your own micro-grid. Homeowners will own their own energy production, and this is a very different concept to wrap your mind around. In this article, we will explore the benefits of investing in solar systems in San Antonio and how it can be a worthwhile investment. 


Why Homeowners Should Consider a Solar Installation as a Hedge Against Looming Economic and Political Uncertainties 

Tuesday, March 28th, 2023

Should homeowners wait for a political savior or take action now to protect their family’s lifestyle?

As the world faces unprecedented economic and political uncertainties, many homeowners are putting their hopes on a political savior to save the day. However, the idea that a politician or even a group could stop government spending from increasing the national debt is almost laughable. With debt ceiling issues looming and the cost of maintaining the national debt increasing steadily, it is not inconceivable that the US could default on its debt. Furthermore, the growing likelihood of a war in Ukraine and the impact of the World Economic Forum’s ideas on ESG on utility decisions are making the future of energy generation even more uncertain. Against this backdrop of potential threats, it is important to consider a solar installation as a hedge against economic and political uncertainties in San Antonio. 


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