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Why Homeowners Should Consider a Solar Installation as a Hedge Against Looming Economic and Political Uncertainties 

Should homeowners wait for a political savior or take action now to protect their family’s lifestyle?

As the world faces unprecedented economic and political uncertainties, many homeowners are putting their hopes on a political savior to save the day. However, the idea that a politician or even a group could stop government spending from increasing the national debt is almost laughable. With debt ceiling issues looming and the cost of maintaining the national debt increasing steadily, it is not inconceivable that the US could default on its debt. Furthermore, the growing likelihood of a war in Ukraine and the impact of the World Economic Forum’s ideas on ESG on utility decisions are making the future of energy generation even more uncertain. Against this backdrop of potential threats, it is important to consider a solar installation as a hedge against economic and political uncertainties in San Antonio. 

The Fallacy of Political Savior 

Many homeowners continue to put their faith in a political candidate to save the day, but this is a fallacy. The US national debt is now over $28 trillion, and with government spending increasing, it is unlikely that any politician can stop this trend. The debt ceiling issue looming is a case in point. It is important to note that the payments the US makes on the national debt are interest-only and variable interest. As the Federal Reserve raises the prime rate, the cost of maintaining the national debt continues to go up. Many economists have predicted that if the scenario comes to fruition, it is conceivable that the US could default on its debt. Therefore, homeowners need to consider alternative energy solutions that are more within their control. 

The Impact of World Economic Forum’s Ideas on ESG 

Many of the problems with utilities are self-inflicted bad decisions. They have bought into the World Economic Forum’s ideas on ESG and are shutting down much-needed coal plants when solar and wind power cannot provide enough power for the fastest-growing population in Texas. This decision is not only affecting the state of Texas, but it could also have a domino effect on the rest of the country. As more states adopt the World Economic Forum’s ideas on ESG, the future of energy generation is becoming even more uncertain. 

The Benefits of Solar Energy 

In the midst of these looming uncertainties, homeowners should consider solar energy as a hedge against economic and political uncertainties. By installing solar panels and getting their own micro-grid on their rooftop, homeowners can protect their family’s lifestyles in the event all these horrible scenarios end up happening. Solar energy is renewable and clean, and it does not produce harmful emissions like fossil fuels. By switching to solar energy, homeowners can also save money on their energy bills and reduce their carbon footprint. 


In conclusion, the current economic and political uncertainties make it essential for homeowners to consider alternative solutions that are more within their control. Political saviors are not the answer, and the future of energy generation is becoming even more uncertain. Solar energy is a hedge against economic and political uncertainties. By getting a solar installation, homeowners can protect their family’s lifestyles in the event of a crisis, save money on their energy bills, and reduce their carbon footprint. It is time for homeowners to take control of their energy generation and invest in solar energy. 

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