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Have you Delayed Getting Solar Panels in San Antonio Because You Might be Moving? 

Archive for the ‘Latest Solar Panels Articles for San Antonio’ Category

Have you Delayed Getting Solar Panels in San Antonio Because You Might be Moving? 

Thursday, December 1st, 2022

This is a valid concern if there is a real possibility that you might be moving in the future. However, it is not really the right question you should be asking. The real question you should be asking is if getting solar panels will help or hurt your chances of selling your home.

There are horror stories of families that had a challenging time selling their homes because of their solar panels. However, after talking to several real estate agents I discovered that most of these people make a series of unfortunate mistakes in the process of getting panels and selling their homes.


Do You Play Follow the Leader with Solar Panels in San Antonio? 

Tuesday, November 29th, 2022

Recently a homeowner in San Antonio waved his hand as he directed my attention to the homes on his block. Then he said, “You see most people do not have solar panels and I will only get solar panels in San Antonio when I see everybody else in my neighborhood getting them.


Are You Looking at Solar Panels in San Antonio Upside Down and Backwards? 

Tuesday, November 29th, 2022
Alice is falling down into the rabbit hole

If you talk to enough homeowners in San Antonio about Solar panels you are bound to run into someone that believes that they do not pay off soon enough. In fact, I once heard someone lament that they would love to see the payoff within their lifetime. 

However, I find it odd that nobody ever complains about having to pay their power bill forever and ever. That is why I love to ask people that have this upside-down and backward view, when will they pay off their power bill? 


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