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Energy Costs | March 10, 2023

Do not Wait for Skyrocketing Rates: Why Going Solar Now in San Antonio is the Smart Choice 

Many homeowners in San Antonio are hesitant to go solar because they fear making the wrong decision. They do not see absolute proof that electricity rates will skyrocket or that the utilities are shutting down power plants, leading to scarcity and rolling blackouts. But what if we told you that there are breadcrumb trails leading to these conclusions? And what if waiting until blackouts and skyrocketing rates occur will be too late? Let us explore the reasons why waiting to decide about going solar could be a costly mistake.

The Cost of Solar Will Likely Skyrocket as Demand Increases

First, it is important to understand that the cost of solar will likely skyrocket as demand increases. If everyone waits until blackouts and skyrocketing utility costs occur, everyone will want solar arrays on their rooftops at the same time. This will cause a surge in demand for solar installations, leading to longer wait times and higher prices. Currently, the installation period is around three months with slow demand for solar systems. But if demand hits a high peak when people are experiencing brownouts and skyrocketing utility costs, the installation time frame could be closer to six months or even a year.

Bread Crumb Trails Leading to Higher Electricity Rates and Scarcity

Moreover, if you wait until you are experiencing blackouts and skyrocketing electricity rates to go solar, you may miss the opportunity altogether. There are breadcrumb trails indicating that electricity rates will increase in the future and that the utilities are shutting down power plants. However, these trails are not always easy to see or understand. By the time the evidence is glaring in your face, it will be too late to take advantage of the current incentives and low prices of solar panels.

Solar Energy Provides Reliable, Cost-Effective, and Sustainable Power for Your Home

Finally, it is important to remember that when your home does not have power or access to affordable energy, it is worthless. Going solar can provide a reliable and cost-effective source of energy, allowing you to keep the lights on even during power outages. Plus, solar energy is a sustainable and renewable energy source, making it a smart choice for homeowners looking to reduce their carbon footprint and make a positive impact on the environment.

In conclusion, waiting to decide about going solar in San Antonio could be a costly mistake. While there may not be absolute proof that electricity rates will increase and power plants will shut down, there are breadcrumb trails leading to these conclusions. Moreover, if you wait until blackouts and skyrocketing utility costs occur, you may miss the opportunity to take advantage of the current incentives and low prices of solar panels. Do not wait until it is too late to make the switch to solar. Invest in your home and your future by going solar today.

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