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Solar Warranty San Antonio | February 23, 2023

Why Receiving an Info Packet from Your Solar Installer is Vital 

Solar energy has emerged as one of the most popular renewable energy sources. Many homeowners in San Antonio are increasingly looking for ways to save money and reduce their carbon footprint by installing solar panels. While there are many benefits to switching to solar energy, there are also challenges that come with it. One of the biggest problems in the solar industry is that some solar businesses fail to send homeowners a packet with vital information about their solar system. This can cause many problems making it difficult to dispute problems with the solar vendor to making it extremely hard to sell your home in the future. 

What is in the Packet? 

When you install a solar system, you should get a packet from your solar installer that has your proposal, contract, warranty, product information, and other vital information about the system. This packet is critical as it contains all the information that you need to know about your solar system. It is your right as a customer to receive this information, and it should be given to you by your solar installer. 

Why You Need the Packet 

From my personal experience, I know that when I switched to solar energy, our salesperson failed to ever send us any of the vital information we needed. If there is a dispute about what was promised, you need the proposal and contract to make a dispute. However, if you don’t have any of that info, it makes lodging a challenge nearly impossible. Therefore, it is vital to ensure that you receive the packet from your solar installer. 

Selling Your Home in the Future 

Smart buyers know they need the warranty information on your solar system if they are going to make a bid on your home. Not having this key piece of information has sunk many real estate transactions and has spread negative information about how homes with solar panels can sell. It is, therefore, critical to ensure that you keep this information in a safe place and provide it to your real estate agent when you decide to sell your home. 

Find an Honest and Transparent Solar Company 

Once again, solar businesses are shooting themselves in the foot with bad practices. It is essential to find an honest and transparent solar company that will provide unparalleled service before and after the sale. A good solar installer will provide you with all the information you need to know about your solar system and be available to address any concerns that you may have. 


In conclusion, receiving a packet from your solar installer is vital. The packet contains all the information you need to know about your solar system, and not having it can cause many problems, including difficulty disputing problems with the solar vendor and making it hard to sell your home in the future. It is, therefore, essential to ensure that you receive the packet from your solar installer and keep it in a safe place. Furthermore, it is crucial to find an honest and transparent solar company in Sam Antonio that will provide unparalleled service before and after the sale. By doing so, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of solar energy without any unnecessary challenges. 

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(210) 758-4975

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