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HVAC Home Services | February 21, 2023

Avoid Hassles with Solar Power: Choose the Right HVAC Home Services 

 Solar power is an increasingly popular choice for homeowners looking to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and save money on their electricity bills. However, as I discovered when I ran into another homeowner with a solar array, it is not always as simple as just installing a system and enjoying free electricity. In fact, many homeowners who invest in solar power still end up with electricity bills and frustration because of poor installation and lack of attention to the homeowner experience. This is where comprehensive HVAC services come in.

Why a Solar System Alone May Not Be Enough

When I spoke to the other homeowner about his solar array, he was generally happy with it but was disappointed to discover that he was still receiving electricity bills despite the investment. He was also frustrated with the poor service he received from the solar installation company he used, which seemed more interested in making the sale than ensuring that the system was working effectively for the homeowner.

This is a widespread problem with solar providers that focus solely on selling panels and do not provide comprehensive solutions for the homeowner. A solar system is not a “set it and forgets it” solution; it requires ongoing maintenance and attention to ensure that it is working effectively and efficiently. This can include adding components such as a hard start and expansion valve for air conditioning equipment, which can help reduce energy consumption and minimize electricity bills.

The Importance of Comprehensive HVAC Home Services

To avoid the frustration of investing in solar power but still receiving electricity bills, it is important to choose an HVAC provider that offers comprehensive solutions that include ongoing maintenance and support for the homeowner. A provider like Elmers Home Services, for example, offers a range of services designed to help homeowners get the most out of their HVAC systems, including the installation of components like a hard start and expansion valve.

Elmers Home Services is an HVAC company that specializes in comprehensive services for homeowners. Rather than just installing HVAC equipment, they offer a range of services designed to help homeowners get the most out of their solar panels. This includes everything from the hard start and expansion valve installations and ongoing maintenance and support. By choosing an HVAC provider that offers a comprehensive solution, homeowners can enjoy the full benefits of solar power without the frustration and hassle of dealing with poor service or ineffective systems.


Investing in solar power can be a smart choice for homeowners looking to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and save money on their electricity bills. However, it is important to choose the right HVAC provider to avoid the frustration of investing in solar power but still receiving electricity bills. By choosing an HVAC provider that offers comprehensive services, including ongoing maintenance and support, homeowners can enjoy the full benefits of solar power without the hassle. So, before investing in a solar system, be sure to do your research and choose an HVAC provider that offers the best solution for you.

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