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Solar News San Antonio | February 20, 2023

How to Find Honest Solar Installers in Texas

Are you interested in installing solar panels to save money and reduce your carbon footprint, but don’t know which solar installer to trust in San Antonio? With so many companies offering solar installation services, it can be difficult to tell the good guys from the bad guys, or if there are any good guys in the industry at all. But do not worry, there is a proven technique to help you find an honest and transparent solar company.

Look for the Company that Exposes Industry Secrets

One way to find an honest solar company is to look for one that exposes the worst practices in the industry. Companies that become experts in understanding and revealing best practices for homeowners are a great sign of trustworthiness. The solar veteran that reveals hidden cost scams is most likely not going to charge you hidden costs. The one that gets on a soapbox out in the wilderness and preaches about the importance of having a zero electric bill is going to make sure you have a zero electric bill.

Do Your Research

It may take some digging to find the most honest solar provider, but it is well worth the effort. Becoming an educated buyer by doing research to find the right solar company is crucial. Look for companies that offer free consultations, and references, and are willing to educate you on solar technology and financing. The best solar installers will be transparent with pricing, and timeline, and will have a team of experienced professionals to guide you through the entire installation process.

Check Reviews and Certifications

When choosing a solar vendor, it is important to check reviews from other customers. Reviews can give you an idea of the level of satisfaction with a particular business. Look for companies that have positive reviews on multiple platforms such as Yelp, Google, and Facebook. In addition, look for companies with certifications such as the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) or the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). These certifications show that the company has met certain standards of quality and professionalism.


If you want to find an honest solar installer in San Antonio, it is important to do your research and look for companies that are transparent and honest about their practices. Finding a solar company that exposes the worst practices in the industry is a great sign of trustworthiness. Additionally, look for companies with positive reviews and certifications. By taking the time to research and choose the right solar provider you can be confident in your investment in renewable energy and in your contribution to a more sustainable future.

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