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Are Solar Panels Free or is There a Special Biden Program that Pays You to Go Solar? 

This sure sounds good, but do you remember that when something sounds too good to be true it is? The short answer is that these are very deceptive statements you hear on social media.

However, even though these claims are not true how can these solar companies in San Antonio get away with making such false claims?

Third Parties

Well, the first thing you should consider is that you will almost never see these types of outlandish claims about free solar on legitimate solar providers’ websites. If you take a closer look at the organizations making these false claims, you will see they are third parties simply gathering leads.

There are some disreputable solar salespeople that may try to convince you that solar is free, but this is rare. Normally the solar installers that leverage these third-party lead generation companies will try to ‘explain’ how solar can sort of be free if you look at it from a certain perspective i.e. It is not free.

The Damage

The problem with using these questionable marketing tactics is that it really damages the credibility of the entire solar industry. Most consumers do not realize that it is not the solar companies making these false claims.

However, many homeowners conclude that if solar organizations try to mislead them to get in the door, they will continue to be dishonest throughout the entire sales process. If you are reading my blog, then you know this is a solid conclusion.

These misleading ads really poison the water well for all the honest and transparent solar providers in San Antonio.

Who can you trust?

This is an easy question to answer as the honest and transparent solar companies in San Antonio do not use disreputable third-party lead generation companies that make false or misleading claims about solar panels.

However, if you want to know how to clearly identify the solar company that you can trust, then they will warn you about these bad practices on their blog!

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