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Does CPS have a Secret Clone Army for Energy Production?

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Does CPS have a Secret Clone Army for Energy Production?

Thursday, January 18th, 2024

Amidst the recent challenges to Texas’s energy infrastructure, a shadowy question looms large—do utilities and electric companies possess a clone army for energy production? The tale unfolds against the backdrop of an Arctic blast, with ERCOT rolling back coal plant shutdowns. Join us on a journey into the enigmatic world of energy providers, where illusions of on-demand power may be costing residents more than they realize.

The Coal Plant Conundrum:

In the showdown between environmental advocates and local utilities like CPS, the decision to shut down the last coal plant raises eyebrows. With ERCOT seeking additional on-demand power during the Arctic blast, where did it come from if not from the retired coal plants? Is the concept of a clone army for energy production more than just a metaphorical illusion?

Unmasking the Clone Army:

As ERCOT navigates the challenges of winter storms, the notion of a clone army for energy production surfaces. Did the utilities and electric companies turn on the spigot of costly open-market energy early in a million-dollar magic act? The intrigue deepens as we explore the potential risks of this clandestine strategy, with residents of San Antonio potentially facing the consequences through multiple rate hikes.

The Illusion of Energy Prestige:

Residents in Texas are left in suspense, pondering whether utilities and electric companies executed a miraculous feat to avert a power crisis. The uncertainty of multiple rate hikes hangs in the air, reminiscent of a magic act where the prestige may not live up to the illusion. What secrets lie behind the energy maneuvers, and will the revelation leave residents unimpressed and financially burdened?

My 2 Cents

As the curtains rise on the mystique of utilities and electric companies, the call to action becomes clear. Residents are urged to seek transparency in their energy sources and explore alternative solutions. The illusion of external energy supplies may come at a cost, but the real power lies in embracing alternatives like solar energy. Break free from the enigmatic world of utilities and take control of your energy future on your own terms.

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