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The Looming Threat of WWIII and How It Impacts Your Electricity Rates in San Antonio 

Archive for the ‘Ukraine War News’ Category

The Looming Threat of WWIII and How It Impacts Your Electricity Rates in San Antonio 

Monday, April 17th, 2023

As homeowners, we often focus on the present and immediate needs of our families. We prioritize paying the bills, putting food on the table, and keeping our homes comfortable. However, have you ever considered how global events, such as the possibility of a third world war, could impact our daily lives and finances? In this article, we will discuss how the looming threat of WWIII can impact your electricity rates in Texas. 


The Domino Effect: How the Nord Stream Pipeline May Affect Electric Prices in San Antonio 

Friday, February 17th, 2023

Have you ever wondered how an event in another part of the world could impact your daily life, such as the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline? The pipeline, which supplies natural gas to Europe, exploded, leaving the continent without a natural gas supply. How will this impact electric prices in San Antonio, Texas? In this article, we will explore the domino effect that this incident and other factors can have on electricity prices and what we can do to mitigate their impact.


Is War Imminent? UN Chief Warns of NATO’s Involvement in Ukraine Conflict and its Impending Effects on Energy Prices 

Wednesday, February 8th, 2023

The United Nations Secretary-General has recently been interviewed by the Associated Press and made a concerning statement about the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. He believes that the war will expand in 2023 to involve NATO, including the United States of America. As the world watches on, tensions continue to escalate, with President Biden consistently backtracking on the level of support he promised to provide Ukraine.

Despite stating that he would never provide tanks or airplanes for an offensive war, the latest round of support included offensive weapons in the form of Abrams Tanks.


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