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Suburban Homeowners: Protect Yourself from Rising Electricity Costs with Solar Power and Prepping Strategies 

Are you a homeowner in the suburbs of San Antonio worried about the rising cost of electricity due to government bans on fossil fuels, wild money printing, government debt, inflation, and food shortages? If so, you may want to consider becoming a “suburban prepper.” But wait, before you dismiss the idea as something only for the “crazy preppers” living in the middle of nowhere, let us explore the rational concerns that are driving more and more suburban homeowners to take a proactive approach to protect themselves and their families from potential harsh realities. 

One of the most pressing concerns for suburban homeowners is the potential for electricity costs to skyrocket out of control. In a world where wars, government policies, and economic instability can disrupt the traditional energy markets, having a backup plan in place is essential. This is where solar power and backup batteries come in.  

By installing a solar system on your roof and investing in a backup battery, you can lock in your energy costs and protect yourself from unexpected price hikes. 

Another concern for suburban preppers is the potential for food shortages. With more people living in urban areas and relying on long supply chains to get the food they need, disruptions to the food system can quickly lead to shortages and skyrocketing prices. To prepare for this possibility, suburban preppers may want to consider growing their own food, investing in a food dehydrator, and building a stockpile of non-perishable goods. 

While it may be tempting to dismiss the idea of suburban prepping as something only for the “crazy” or paranoid, the reality is that more and more suburban homeowners are taking a proactive approach to protect themselves and their families from potential harsh realities. By installing a solar system and backup battery, locking in energy costs, and growing their own food, suburban preppers can be better prepared to ride out the ups and downs of an uncertain world. 

So, if you are a homeowner in the suburbs of San Antonio and want to be better prepared for the future, it is time to start thinking like a suburban prepper. Invest in a solar system and backup battery, start growing your own food and build a stockpile of non-perishable goods. 

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