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Waiting for Technology | March 23, 2023

San Antonio Homeowners Should Not Wait for Future Solar Technology 

Are you one of those homeowners who are hesitant to switch to solar energy? Do you believe that waiting for better solar technology is a wise decision? While it is understandable to want the best technology, waiting for it might not be the best financial decision. Here are some points to consider before making the switch to solar energy in San Antonio. 

Ignoring the Possibility of Other Changes 

Many homeowners hold back from investing in solar technology because they believe it will improve soon. However, this thinking ignores the possibility that all other things will not change, just solar technology. For example, the cost of electricity could continue to rise, or new taxes could be implemented. This means that even if better solar technology emerges in the future, the cost of electricity could still make it a wise investment to switch to solar now. 

The Real Threats 

The financial environment is always changing and evolving, and this should be considered before deciding to wait for better solar technology. The printing of money by the FED, bank failures such as the recent failure of SVB, and the potential loss of the Petrodollar could all spell disaster for the economy in the next few years. The point here is that the threats people should be worried about will happen before some radical new solar technology can displace the current technology. 

Locking in the Variable Electricity Rate 

Investing in solar technology today means locking down and converting the variable electricity rate into a fixed solar payment. This is a very wise investment indeed, especially in the face of the threats mentioned above. Homeowners who invest in solar energy today will benefit from a fixed rate, regardless of what happens to the price of electricity in the future. 


In conclusion, waiting for better solar technology might not be the wisest decision for homeowners in San Antonio. While it is understandable to want the best technology available, the cost of electricity could continue to rise or other changes could occur, making investing in solar energy a wise decision. The real threats to the economy and the cost of electricity are likely to occur before any radical new solar technology emerges. Therefore, investing in solar energy today and locking down the variable electricity rate into a fixed solar payment is a smart financial decision. Do not wait for the future – invest in solar energy today! 

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