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Selling a Home with Solar | February 8, 2023

The Solar Panel Dilemma: Will it Affect the Resale Value of Your Home? 

Are you considering installing solar panels but worried about the potential impact on the resale value of your home? You are not alone. Nearly 90% of homeowners have this fear, but what if we told you that the vast majority of real estate agents report no issues with selling homes in San Antonio with solar panels?

The Majority of Real Estate Agents Report No Issues

After speaking with 20 to 30 real estate agents in San Antonio, it became clear that many homes have been sold with solar panels with no problems. The vast majority of the agents reported that homeowners who have paid off their solar systems have had no issues selling their homes. There were even stories of homeowners with assumable solar loans and buyers who successfully qualified for these loans and purchased the homes.

The Outliers: A Few Issues Reported

While most real estate agents were surprised this was a concern, a few reported some issues. However, these were outliers and not the norm.

The Benefits of Installing Solar Panels

Not only does installing solar panels help to reduce your carbon footprint and lower your energy bills, but it can also increase the value of your home. A study by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory found that homes with solar panels sold for 4.1% more on average than homes without solar panels.

The Future of Solar Panel Adoption

As more homeowners adopt solar technology, the perception and market for homes with solar panels will only continue to improve. It’s important to remember that the adoption of innovative technology often comes with some initial skepticism and concerns, but as it becomes more widespread and accepted, those concerns tend to dissipate.

The Bottom Line

So, to answer the question posed in the beginning, most real estate agents report no issues with selling homes with solar panels. In fact, it can even increase the value of your home. Don’t let the fear of potential resale value impact your decision to go solar. Instead, take advantage of the many benefits that come with installing solar panels.

In conclusion, solar panels, and their impact on the resale value of homes are not a major concern. Many real estate agents report no issues with selling homes with solar panels and it can even increase the value of your home. Do not let fear hold you back from going solar and taking advantage of the many benefits that come with it.

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