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Going Solar is a Walk in the Park: The Effortless Way to Save Money in San Antonio and Houston”

Going solar is a wonderful way to save money on your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint, but many homeowners in San Antonio and Houston are hesitant to take on this new project. They worry that going solar will be too much work and add to their already busy lives. However, going solar is an uncomplicated process with minimal homeowner involvement.

The first step in going solar is making the decision to do so. This may seem like a daunting task, but it’s important to remember that going solar is a long-term investment that will pay off in the form of lower energy bills and a more sustainable future. Once the decision is made, the homeowner simply needs to get approved for credit and sign the loan and installation documents. This can often be done at the same time as the initial consultation.

The next step is a site survey, which is conducted by a solar installer. This survey determines the best location for the solar panels and ensures they can produce the maximum amount of energy possible. This process is typically quick and can be done while you are signing the paperwork.

After the site survey is completed, the installation of the solar panels can begin. This is where most of the work is done, and it’s done by the solar installer, not the homeowner. The homeowner’s only responsibility is to text “Y” to indicate they still want to move forward a few days after signing the paperwork.

In conclusion, going solar is a terrific way to save money on your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint, but many homeowners in San Antonio and Houston are hesitant to take on this new project due to concerns about the amount of work involved. However, the reality is that going solar is an effortless process with minimal homeowner involvement. The decision to go solar is the most difficult part, but once that is made, the process is straightforward and easy. We encourage homeowners in San Antonio and Houston to consider going solar and to take the first step towards a more sustainable future.

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(210) 758-4975

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