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Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, Just Like Tin Cup, Go Solar! 


In the movie Tin Cup, the main character starts having trouble with his golf swing. His caddy tells him to move his change to his left pocket, double tie the knot on his left shoe, turn his hat around and put a birdie behind his ear. These small adjustments seem insignificant, but they help the main character to focus on the task at hand and ultimately hit the ball straight and far down the fairway.

Lesson from Tin Cup

This scenario can be compared to homeowners in Houston who are considering going solar. The decision to switch to solar energy can seem overwhelming and homeowners may feel like they need to make significant changes in order to go solar. They may worry about whether the solar panels will look good on their home, if they will have to carry debt in order to pay for the panels, or if the panels are made in China. These concerns are understandable, but it’s important to remember that there are solutions to these issues.

For example, if homeowners are concerned about the appearance of the solar panels, they can be placed on the back of the house or in a less visible location. While carrying debt may be intimidating, it’s important to remember that going solar is considered “good debt,” as it can save homeowners money on their electric bills and increase the value of their homes. Additionally, while it may be tempting to only buy American-made products, it’s worth considering that many products, including phones, are made overseas.

Turn Your Hat Around

Just like the main character in Tin Cup was overthinking his golf swing, homeowners in Houston may be overthinking the decision to go solar. They may worry about the appearance of the panels, the cost of installation, or the long-term commitment. However, it’s important to remember that the key to making the switch to solar energy is to focus on the benefits and not get bogged down by the details.

Solar energy can save homeowners money on their electric bills, as they will no longer have to pay for traditional electricity. This can lead to significant long-term savings, especially considering that electricity rates are likely to increase over time. Additionally, solar energy can increase the value of a home, as it is a desirable feature for potential buyers. Finally, solar energy can help homeowners reduce their carbon footprint, as it is a clean and renewable source of energy.

Last Word

Ultimately, the decision to go solar is a personal one and homeowners should weigh the pros and cons for themselves. However, it’s important to remember that going solar does not have to be a daunting or complicated process. As the main character in Tin Cup learns, sometimes it’s best to not overthink things and just focus on the task at hand. By focusing on the benefits of solar energy and not getting caught up in the details, homeowners in Houston can make the switch to solar energy with confidence.

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