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Energy Costs | January 16, 2023

Are Homeowners in San Antonio Who Go Solar Crazy Cult Members?

Are Homeowners Who Go Solar Members of a Cult?

Are homeowners that go solar brainwashed members of a cult, driven by madness to produce their own energy? This question may seem absurd, but it is one that is often asked by those who are hesitant to make the switch to solar power. The truth is that homeowners who choose to go solar are not crazies, but instead, they are smart individuals who are concerned about the rising cost of electricity.

The fear of energy costs spiraling out of control is a common concern among homeowners, and it is this fear that drives many to make the decision to go solar. In fact, most of the people who pass on the solar opportunity are more afraid of making an investment in solar panels, rather than the cost of electricity. Both decisions are made from fear, and fear is a powerful emotion.

However, logic tells us that energy rates have always gone higher, and the grid runs on fossil fuels which are under attack and being banned. In addition, we are already feeling the effects of inflation driven by the government’s money spending and massive debt. Residents in San Antonio and Houston have seen their electricity rates going up right before their very eyes.

But why do some homeowners still hesitate to make the switch to solar power? One reason is that they have been misinformed about the cost of solar panels and the financial benefits of going solar. Many believe that solar panels are too expensive and that it will take too long to recoup the cost of the investment. However, this is not the case. The cost of solar panels has decreased significantly in recent years, and with the help of government incentives and financing options, the cost of going solar has become more affordable than ever. In fact, many homeowners can recoup the cost of their solar panels in just a few years.

Another reason why some homeowners hesitate to go solar is that they believe that it is only for the wealthy or that it is a fad. But this could not be further from the truth. Solar power is not just for the wealthy, but for anyone who wants to take control of their energy costs and reduce their carbon footprint. Furthermore, solar power is not a fad, but a viable solution to our energy problems. It is a technology that is here to stay and will continue to grow in popularity as more and more people realize the benefits of going solar.

In conclusion, homeowners who choose to go solar are not brainwashed members of a cult, but smart individuals who are concerned about the rising cost of electricity. The cost of solar panels has decreased significantly in recent years, and with the help of government incentives and financing options, the cost of going solar has become more affordable than ever. Furthermore, solar power is not just for the wealthy, but for anyone who wants to take control of their energy costs and reduce their carbon footprint. It is a viable solution to our energy problems that are here to stay.

Therefore, if you’re a homeowner who is worried about the rising cost of electricity and the uncertain future of fossil fuels, it’s worth considering going solar. Don’t let fear hold you back from making a smart financial decision that can benefit both your wallet and the environment. Take the time to do your research, gather information, and speak with reputable solar installers to see if going solar is the right choice for you. You may be surprised to find that it is a sound investment that can pay off in the long run. Don’t be left behind as your neighbors reap the benefits of going solar, take control of your energy costs and join the solar movement today.

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