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Articles About Solar Panels in San Antonio

Solar News | December 31, 2023

The Clock is Ticking: Act Now Before Zero Electric Bills Become a Thing of the Past!

Have you ever dreamed of completely eliminating your electric bill and achieving the coveted zero utility bill? It’s an enticing prospect, and for many homeowners, solar power has been the beacon of hope leading them towards this energy utopia. However, recent developments suggest that the window of opportunity to reach this zero-bill nirvana might be closing sooner than you think. One of my solar clients in California recently shared a startling revelation about restrictions on overproducing solar energy. Could this trend soon make its way to Texas? Is the era of achieving a zero electric bill under threat? Let’s unravel the unfolding story.

The California Precedent:

A Glimpse into the Future California, often at the forefront of environmental initiatives, has taken a stance on overproducing solar energy. My client in the Golden State revealed that the electric company required him to sign an affidavit stating that his excess solar energy was explicitly intended for charging an electric car he planned to purchase. In other words, eliminating your electric bill through overproduction is now prohibited in California. As the saying goes, “everything that happens in California goes to the rest of the Country.” Could this signal an approaching shift in regulations for Texas, with ERCOT and CPS considering similar restrictions?

The Domino Effect:

Will ERCOT and CPS Follow Suit? As solar energy gains momentum as a mainstream power source, it’s essential to consider the potential ripple effect of regulations. If California’s proactive approach becomes a national trend, it might not be long before ERCOT and CPS enact policies restricting overproduction in Texas. The dream of achieving a zero electric bill by producing surplus solar energy could be jeopardized. Homeowners accustomed to the idea of using overproduction as a strategic tool to offset energy costs may find themselves facing unforeseen limitations.

Act Now:

The Closing Door on Zero Electric Bills If you’ve been contemplating the switch to solar power to eliminate your electric bill, the time to act is now. The door to achieving a zero utility bill through overproducing solar energy may be closing sooner than expected. With the threat of skyrocketing energy costs, taking advantage of this limited-time opportunity is crucial. But what exactly does overproducing mean, and how can it benefit you?

Limited-Time Opportunity:

Overproduce and Achieve Zero Bills Overproducing solar energy involves adding more solar panels to your roof than necessary to cover 100% of your consumption. This surplus can be a strategic advantage, offsetting future energy costs and potentially leading to a zero electric bill. Don’t miss out on this limited-time opportunity to overproduce and secure your energy independence. Act now, consult with solar installers, and explore how you can harness the power of the sun before regulations may change, closing the door on the dream of a zero electric bill.

Solar Deceptions | December 29, 2023

Unraveling Solar Misconceptions: Beyond the Neighborhood Glance 

In the quiet streets of San Antonio, a common assumption lingers among homeowners—one that inadvertently hinders the adoption of solar energy. The prevailing belief is that if your neighbors haven’t installed solar panels, there must be a good reason. But is this assumption accurate? Have many fallen prey to the old adage that everybody thought somebody would do it, so nobody did it? Let’s delve into the intricacies of this narrative and uncover the myriad reasons why San Antonio residents may have hesitated to embrace solar power. 

The Neighborhood Snapshot:  

A Deceptive Glimpse Driving through San Antonio neighborhoods, it’s not uncommon for residents to notice a scarcity of solar panels adorning rooftops. This visual absence often leads to the misguided belief that homeowners have collectively assessed the solar opportunity and chosen to forgo it. However, the reality is quite different. Many neighbors may not have thoroughly explored the option, and those who did may have faced a variety of circumstances that influenced their decisions. 

Diverse Circumstances:  

A Mosaic of Reasons One of the primary misconceptions is assuming that the absence of solar panels in a neighborhood signifies a unanimous rejection of solar energy. In truth, individual circumstances play a significant role. Some homeowners might be planning to move, dissuading them from investing in a solar system. Others may face shading issues or restrictions due to the physical layout of their homes, limiting the feasibility of solar panel installations. It’s crucial to recognize that diverse factors, such as aesthetic preferences, tax credit eligibility, or spousal disagreements on the appearance of solar panels, contribute to the decision-making process. 

Beyond Cost-Benefit Analysis:  

Disappointment in Misplaced Expectations Many neighbors who did explore the solar option might have been discouraged not by the cost or benefits but by factors outside these realms. The disappointment often stems from unmet expectations—like the  inability to fit enough panels to offset 100% of energy consumption or the realization that their home isn’t ideally situated for solar power generation. Understanding these nuances is vital in dispelling the notion that the absence of solar panels equates to a lack of interest or consideration among homeowners. 

Conclusion: In reevaluating the narrative surrounding solar adoption in San Antonio, it becomes evident that the old adage has woven a tapestry of misconceptions. The absence of solar panels in your neighborhood does not equate to a unanimous rejection of solar energy. Rather, it reflects a complex interplay of circumstances, preferences, and unique challenges faced by homeowners. To truly grasp the potential of solar energy, it is essential for residents to look beyond the neighborhood glance, explore individual considerations, and separate myths from reality. 

If you are one of those who assumed that your neighbors rejected solar solely due to cost or perceived benefits, consider reaching out to a solar installer and evaluating the potential benefits for yourself. By taking this proactive step, you can make an informed decision about whether solar power aligns with your unique circumstances and contribute to the collective journey towards a sustainable energy future. 

EV News | December 28, 2023

The New EV Tax Credit Could Spell Disaster for the Grid

As the automotive industry accelerates towards an electric future, recent changes in the electric vehicle (EV) landscape are causing both excitement and concern. The latest development, a new EV tax credit, promises to propel the adoption of electric vehicles to new heights. However, could this seemingly positive incentive spell disaster for the grid? In this article, we delve into the details of the new tax credit, its potential implications for the Texas grid, and the challenges it may pose for homeowners in San Antonio. 

Instant Gratification:

The $7500 EV Tax Credit Unleashed In a bold move to encourage more Americans to embrace electric vehicles, the government has revamped the EV tax credit system. Unlike the previous setup, where the credit depended on an individual’s tax liability, buyers of electric vehicles can now enjoy an instant $7500 tax credit at the time of purchase. This essentially translates to free cash for anyone willing to make the switch to electric, promising to revolutionize the automotive industry and pave the way for mass EV adoption. 

The Texas Grid Under Strain: A Potential Recipe for Disaster While the prospect of a greener future through widespread EV adoption is promising, it brings forth a set of challenges, particularly for the Texas grid. The state has faced significant grid-related issues, with events such as ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas) and CPS (City Public Service) shutting down coal plants, limiting on-demand power, and the ongoing mass migration of Californians into Texas. These factors have already placed stress on the grid, setting the stage for potential complications in the near future. 

The EV Onslaught:

Adding Fuel to the Fire As the number of EVs on Texan roads surges due to the new tax credit, the demand for electricity will spike dramatically. If all these newly incentivized EV buyers start charging their vehicles on the Texas grid, it could be the tipping point that triggers rolling blackouts this summer. The grid, already grappling with challenges, may struggle to accommodate the increased load, leading to potential disruptions in power supply. The combination of environmental shifts, policy changes, and increased demand could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back, putting both the grid and homeowners at risk. 


While the new EV tax credit promises to be a game-changer for the automotive industry, it raises critical questions about the resilience of the Texas grid. As electric vehicles become more accessible and appealing, the strain on the grid in regions like San Antonio intensifies. It’s imperative for policymakers, energy providers, and homeowners to anticipate and address these challenges to ensure a sustainable and reliable energy future. The journey towards a greener tomorrow must be accompanied by strategic planning and infrastructure improvements to prevent the potential disaster that could loom on the horizon.

In light of these potential challenges to the Texas grid, now more than ever, homeowners in San Antonio should seriously consider adopting sustainable energy solutions. Going solar paired with a battery system emerges as a resilient strategy, offering homeowners a reliable source of power even in the face of grid disruptions. By harnessing the sun’s energy and storing it for later use, families can not only contribute to a cleaner environment but also safeguard themselves against the looming threats associated with the surging demand for electricity. Embracing solar and battery technology becomes not just an environmentally conscious choice but a practical necessity in securing a stable and uninterrupted power supply for families in the unpredictable landscape of evolving energy dynamics.

Ukraine War News | April 17, 2023

The Looming Threat of WWIII and How It Impacts Your Electricity Rates in San Antonio 

As homeowners, we often focus on the present and immediate needs of our families. We prioritize paying the bills, putting food on the table, and keeping our homes comfortable. However, have you ever considered how global events, such as the possibility of a third world war, could impact our daily lives and finances? In this article, we will discuss how the looming threat of WWIII can impact your electricity rates in Texas. 

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Solar and Hail Damage | April 9, 2023

What to Expect from Solar Companies When Installing Arrays in Hail-Prone Areas  

Switching to solar energy has become an increasingly popular choice for homeowners across the globe and in San Antonio. However, many homeowners are concerned about how their solar panels will withstand hail damage. The thought of a major hailstorm damaging their investment and having no one to fix it is daunting. But is hail damage really a significant risk for solar arrays and is there a solution to this potential problem? In this article, we will explore these concerns and provide some solutions for homeowners considering solar energy.

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Solar Financing | April 6, 2023

The Truth About Solar Installers Interest Rates: Deception and Hidden Fees 


Recently I heard two hosts on an AM radio show talking about the car and solar industries, and how they are affected by rising interest rates. I heard the solar guy claiming that his industry has not been dramatically affected by rate increases, while the car guy complained about how interest rates were hurting his business. However, what if I told you that the solar installer’s statement was not entirely true? In this article, we’ll explore the reality of solar interest rates, the deceptive dealer fees, and the importance of honesty and transparency in San Antonio. 

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Solar Mindset, Uncategorized | March 28, 2023

Understanding the Solar Opportunity: Is it Worth Investing in Solar Systems? 

As renewable energy continues to gain popularity, more homeowners are considering switching to solar energy. However, for many, trying to understand the solar opportunity is difficult when compared to hooking up their electricity meter. While utility hook-up is a simple proposition, the solar proposition is essentially setting up your own micro-grid. Homeowners will own their own energy production, and this is a very different concept to wrap your mind around. In this article, we will explore the benefits of investing in solar systems in San Antonio and how it can be a worthwhile investment. 

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Why Homeowners Should Consider a Solar Installation as a Hedge Against Looming Economic and Political Uncertainties 

Should homeowners wait for a political savior or take action now to protect their family’s lifestyle?

As the world faces unprecedented economic and political uncertainties, many homeowners are putting their hopes on a political savior to save the day. However, the idea that a politician or even a group could stop government spending from increasing the national debt is almost laughable. With debt ceiling issues looming and the cost of maintaining the national debt increasing steadily, it is not inconceivable that the US could default on its debt. Furthermore, the growing likelihood of a war in Ukraine and the impact of the World Economic Forum’s ideas on ESG on utility decisions are making the future of energy generation even more uncertain. Against this backdrop of potential threats, it is important to consider a solar installation as a hedge against economic and political uncertainties in San Antonio. 

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Solar Deceptions | March 27, 2023

The Importance of Choosing Honest and Transparent Solar Companies 


Do not Fall for Greedy Solar Salespeople, choose a Company That Cares About Your Experience 

As more and more homeowners consider the switch to solar energy, the market for solar companies has become increasingly competitive. With so many options to choose from, it can be overwhelming to determine which company is the right fit. How can you ensure that you are choosing a solar business that has your best interests in mind? In this article, we will explore the importance of selecting an honest and transparent solar company in San Antonio, and why falling for the sales pitch of a greedy solar salesperson can leave you with a negative experience. 

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Solar Blunders | March 26, 2023

Avoid Sollar Installers that Blunder and Cancel Projects 

As the push for renewable energy continues to gain momentum, more homeowners in San Antonio are turning to solar power to reduce their carbon footprint and save money on their energy bills. However, the process of getting solar cells installed on your roof can be a complicated one, and unfortunately, not all solar businesses are created equal. In this article, we will explore some common mistakes made by solar installers during the setup process and how you can avoid them. 

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